Qui potete trovare maggiori informazioni sui nostri esperti consulenti in ergonomia. Vi aiutano a utilizzare i nostri prodotti in modo ottimale. Quando ordinate uno dei nostri prodotti in prova, dopo un po' di tempo vi contattano per raccontarvi le vostre esperienze e offrirvi una serie di consigli pratici sull'uso del prodotto. Ovviamente, potete rivolgere loro qualsiasi domanda sull'uso del prodotto, sul periodo di prova, su come acquistare il prodotto o su come restituirlo. Vi augurano una buona giornata di lavoro!
Ernie Hiemstra
As the companies director I am responsible for the continuity of Ergonomique. My starting point is that all people who work with Ergonomique (our customers) and for Ergonomique (our team) are enthusiastic and interested in their work. This is my incentive and makes me enthusiastic as well!
Ergonomique is my "fourth" child. At home I live with my three children and lovely wife.
Gabry Cramm
Manager Operations
Since Ergonomique was founded some 18 years ago I've been involved. In 1999 I joined the company on a full time basis. As manager operations I am responsible for almost everything except sales. This includes logistics, finance, HR and IT. In 2006 I finished my MBA, further enhancing my expertise in all areas.
Ergonomique makes me very proud. In the crisis years especially we've continued growing.
I am a very happy married woman and mother of three lovely children. My hobbies include photography, eating good food (Not cooking it myself...) and spending time with my friends and family.
Renout Rolfes
Sales Manager
I’ve started my Ergonomique career at the sales department in 2005. Consultative sales have always been in my area of interest. In 2007 I rose to the position of Coach/trainer. This meant less time in sales on paper but I’ve always kept contact with our customers, finding the time to speak to the people who work with our products. In 2009 I promoted to Manager Commerce, for all countries Ergonomique operates in. I am looking to expand our activities further into other parts of Europe (and the world!), working together with people of different backgrounds. This also has a positive effect on my languages!
At home I live with my spouse and 5 lovely children in one of Hollands sparse rural areas. My hobbies include football, art, history and cooking.